Who Are We?
SAHABAT SMI CONSULTING SDN. BHD. (SAHABAT SMI®) a “Bumiputra Status” business entity was incorporated and commenced on 10th August 2004. SAHABAT SMI® was officiated by the then Minister of Entrepreneur and Cooperative Development, Y.B. Dato’ Seri Mohamed Khaled Bin Nordin and graced by the then Chairman, Y.B. Dato’ Dr. Rahim Bin Ramli, The President, Council of Johor Royal Court.
- Your Preferred Funding Specialist & Business Advisor
- The Mark of Business Solutions
- We always Under Promise and Over Deliver
From the left: Kolonel Bersekutu (PA) Dato’ Lee Chee Weng,
Y.B. Dato’ Seri Mohamed Khaled Bin Nordin,
Y.B. Dato’ Dr.Rahim Bin Ramli.