SAHABAT SMI CONSULTING SDN. BHD. (SAHABAT SMI®) a “Bumiputra Status” business entity was incorporated and commenced on 10th August 2004. SAHABAT SMI® was officiated by the then Minister of Entrepreneur and Cooperative Development, Dato’ Seri Mohamed Khaled Bin Nordin and graced by the chairman, Y.B. Dato’ Dr. Rahim Bin Ramli, The President, Council of Johor Royal Court.
SAHABAT SMI® is a registered trademark since commencement because we care for our brand name and are committed to the future of our company as we strive to remain the market leader in this industry by continuing to offer professional and value-added services to our entrepreneur industry clients, instill strong corporate culture and integrity in the organization and of course not forgetting our social responsibility and human consideration to the society.
Today, we are committed to enable your business to grow bigger, stronger, be happier with the least financial stress.
Our HQ and 6 Service Centres map locations:
Johor Bahru (HQ)
Northern Johor
Klang Valley
Petaling Jaya
- 您首选的融资与商务顾问
- 您所有商业解决方案的代名词
- 我们秉持的观念是 “答应少少,做多多” 绝不花言巧语,哗众取宠
Y.B. Dato’ Seri Mohamed Khaled Bin Nordin,
Y.B. Dato’ Dr.Rahim Bin Ramli.
- 拥有大约 28 年的实战经验。
- 毕业于马来西亚工艺大学,科技管理荣誉学位。
- 自公元 2000 起,他已是各语文电视台,各国营电台,各语文报章,各大财经杂志的专访嘉宾。他曾数次荣登财经杂志封面。更於 2016 年,荣登国家语文局辖下“经济殿堂”杂志的封面人物。这是国内唯一的官方商业杂志,深具威望。
Author of
他也是本国首本畅销融资工具书“融资解码”的作者。 - 大马人力资源部的认证讲师。
- Lang International Corporation Titan Awards (LICTA)的遴选委员会主席, LICTA是一个高规格具权威性的企业领奖礼。
- 马来西亚拿督理事会(MDDM)副总财政
- 马来西亚创变者基金会主席
- 全球企业家发展合作社(KPUGB) 主席
- 马来西亚精明融资公会 (SBOM)总会长
- 马來西亞防范罪案基金会(MCPF)至达城警区主席
- 亚洲特许银行机构 (AICB)附属会员
- 财政部认可的天使投资者